Importing cars from any country is generally an irksome, long-winded and generally un-amusing business. However, if done for the sake of the ‘right’ car, it is fruitful and worth the while spent in the process. The first thing required to import a vehicle is money. Money is needed for paying the taxes, the custom duty, for storage and for transportation as well. You also need a number of legal documents to go through with this, and the process has to be duly taken care of. Ways to best import car Australia all revolve around one of these things.
Permission for importing the car from the Vehicle Unit Approval (VIA) of the Australian Government is very important and should be done at the earliest to avoid inconvenience. If this is not done before shipping, the state has the rights to export or even destroy the car and you will have no say in that matter. After that, it is a matter of paying the duties and clearing your car with the customs officials, wherein it is inspected in quarantine. It is checked for cleanliness and to see whether it upholds the countries import rules.
Buying an imported car insurance would be considered a smart move before shipping to take care of all documents and to be stress free in case of damages.
The Lancer Evolution is a car which has been exported by Japan to many countries the world over and has been in huge demand since its entry into the market. Full of style, panache, performance and luxury, this car fits all the bills that a young man looking out for a new car would desire. With raw power and a turbocharged engine, this automobile has capability to hit the ground running, fulfilling all your desires for speed and exhilaration! A huge improvement over the original Lancer, this car is truly a mean machine! When buying a used car, it is always good to check it with the Japanese auto centre. It inspects he car thoroughly and you will have a good idea about its condition before you buy it.